Services from ENKI Acupuncture
Acupuncture has been practiced all over the world for centuries but most famously in China with a recorded history of 2000+ years and Japan for around 1400 years. The theory of acupuncture is deeply grounded in ancient Chinese philosophy, particularly Taoism.
The fundamental principle of acupuncture is to affect the Qi (vital energy) by inserting ultra-fine needles into specific points on the body’s energy pathways. These points initiate a healing response in the body, and when selected appropriately will bring the body’s integrated organ and channel system back into balance.
Treatments are unique to every patient depending on their unique signs and symptoms. Classical Japanese acupuncture aims to treat patients individually and holistically. Many factors are taken into account; childhood diseases, personality, habits, visual characteristics, signs and symptoms.
Research has shown that acupuncture can regulate the immune system by enhancing anticancer and anti-stress immune function and exert anti-inflammation effects. This may also contribute to preventing more serious conditions later in life.
Acupuncture has also been shown to modulate the autonomic nervous system which relates to many common disorders, such as cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, stress, anxiety and nervousness, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and infertility.
Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in which a dried herb called Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is burned on or near the skin surface until a warm pleasant sensation is felt and then removed.
Moxa is used to warm and invigorate the flow of Qi and Blood in the meridians. Moxa is very effective in the treatment of pain, digestive complaints, gynaecological problems, and increased immunity.
Please note: Moxibustion is not offered as a stand-alone therapy. It is included as part of your acupuncture session when your therapist deems it appropriate.
Hot Roller Massage
The hot roller is a massage tool containing fine quality smokeless incense. The aim is to warm and invigorate the Qi and Blood within the meridians.
The hot roller prepares the channels for acupuncture, radiates heat that is trapped inside the body and releases areas of stagnation. This feels amazing!!
Please note: Hot Roller massage is not a stand-alone treatment; it is included as part of your acupuncture session when your therapist deems it appropriate.
Tui Na Massage
Tui Na differs from other forms of massage in that it is used to treat specific illnesses of an internal nature as well as musculoskeletal ailments.
Tui Na relies on a thorough understanding of the body's complex energetic organ and channel system. Careful palpation of the arms, legs, abdomen and back help us to understand what is happening inside the body.
The aim of Tui Na is to harmonize yin and yang by stimulating Qi and Blood in the meridians.
Cupping is a technique in which a flame is used to create a vacuum in the cup before it is placed on the skin. This is a very safe and effective procedure and feels wonderful to the patient.
Traditionally, cupping has been used to relieve stiff muscles, headaches, colds and flus but it also helps to strengthen the immune system and accelerate the healing process.
Please note: Cupping can leave temporary marks on the skin for 1-7 days; this is completely normal. Cupping is not offered as a stand-alone treatment, it is included in your acupuncture session when your therapist deems it appropriate.
Please note: Electro-acupuncture is not offered as a stand-alone treatment. It is included in your session when your therapist deems it appropriate.
Acutonics is a form of vibrational sound healing using tuning forks. Each individual tuning fork represents a natural harmonic vibration based on the orbital properties of our Earth, Sun, Moon, and other planets. Acutonics is a unique, energy based, non-invasive therapy rooted in oriental medicine. The tuning forks are activated and rested on specific acupuncture points on the body’s energy pathways.
This initiates a healing response from the body. Because the body is made up of 70% water, sound waves travel easily through like ripples in a pond. These ripples break through physical and emotional blockages being held in the body. Sound waves are a powerful agent in creating transformation and relaxation. When your body is relaxed, the healing process can begin.
Please note: Acutonics is not a stand-alone therapy. It is included as part of your acupuncture session.
"The greatest gift you can give to the world is that of your own transformation" - Lao Tsu
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